
Sunday, February 5, 2012

today scarlett went to her first birthday party!
it was so fun to see her with all the little kiddos. she was so cute just sitting there trying to put everything in her mouth while all the other babies crawled and ran around her. she was definitely the littlest one there--in age, not size lol ;) karla did such a cute job with everything. it just got me even more excited about planning scar's party :)


scarlett got her first taste of food today! i had been planning on waiting until she was 6 months to give her anything but she has been so interested in everything we eat that we thought we would give her some things to taste just for fun--and it was fun :)

we gave her some of our chicken at dinner which she seemed to love.

she didn't swallow much of anything but she liked sucking on it! and that's all i expected and wanted at this point.we will probably wait until 6 months, or at least really close before we give her more.
we are doing what is called Baby Led Weaning. which is a fancy way of saying eating food lol. we get asked about this a lot so there's the link if you're interested in knowing about that :)

she also laughed today!!! which i have to say was the highlight of my day.
she's been laughing little laughs and giggles for a while now but today she laughed harder and longer than ever before and it made my heart melt. apparently me blowing in her face is the funniest thing ever. laughing with her is my favorite.

we also skyped today with my mom and kronky (kronky is my baby sister for those that don't know. laura is her real name. my parents did not name her kronky lol) and alex's dad and pattilicious. we skype with them fairly often. everyone wants to see the little chunk!!! 
scarlett has not been sleeping that great the last week and a half  (and by not that great i mean terrible)...waking up every 1 1/2 - 2 hours and i now find myself staying up later and not wanting to go to bed because i know i will just get woken up soon anyway. probably not the smartest way of thinking...but that's what's happening.
she's actually awake now but my wonderful, God given husband is putting her back to sleep. 
i should probably go to bed before i start rambling. 
