
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

could this post be more random?

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves. ::Philippians 2:3::

this verse came to me just a couple minutes ago when i was thinking about starting a post on an issue that i feel strongly about (we'll just leave it at that). 

i wanted to share my views, my beliefs, my opinions...and ultimately why i'm right and you're wrong. 
thankfully while praying about the right words to use i saw, or rather God showed me, the motivation behind my desire to write about this. 
and i saw pride, selfishness, a strong need to prove a point...just plain and simple conceit.

one of these days i'll share...but not until my heart is in the right place. 


  1. Yes very random! :) don't you just hate and love it when you really want to tell someone off and God reminds you to hush up and lead by example. He is so sneaky like that.

  2. Yes, love AND hate haha! I love you manda!
